Market Overview
Ardsley, NY
Single Family Homes In The Ardsley School District
Well now, you can see for yourself - online - anytime - with my Ardsley Market Overview.
The information in the Ardsley Market Overview is dynamic and it is updated automatically & continuously. If you bookmark this Market Overview, you can refer to it at any time in the future and the information will be current & 100% up-to-date.
The Ardsley Market Overview contains three categories of single family real estate listings.
1. Ardsley Single Family Homes SOLD (in the last six months) - aka “Market Support”
Sales prices are prices that the market has validated. These are prices home buyers have shown they are willing to pay for certain size homes in certain locations
2. Ardsley Single Family Homes IN CONTRACT - aka “Soon To Be Sold” or “Successful List Prices”
While we don’t know the final sale prices for these homes yet, we can assume that these were successful list prices.
3. Ardsley Single Family Homes FOR SALE - aka “The Competition” or “The Unsold Properties”
If you were to put your home on the market today, these homes would be your competition. This compilation also illustrates the number of homes against whom you would be competing for a buyer’s attention. Keep In Mind: The list prices of these homes are asking prices and they have not yet been validated. These list prices could be accurate reflections of market value or they could simply be “wishful thinking prices”. It remains to be seen if home buyers are willing to pay these amounts.
© Copyright 2019 Bill Boeckelman