The Yard Sign
The Original & Still, The Most Effective
Home Marketing Tool Ever Invented
Signs convey more messages to more people per dollar spent than any other method of advertising.
Marketing professionals always include signs as a primary component of every marketing campaign, because they're simple, they're inexpensive and ... they work.
The general purpose of any sign is to:In the real estate industry, The yard sign on the front lawn of a property being offered for sale has always been a home seller's most effective advertisement ... and many times the yard sign has proven to be the only advertisement necessary.
Any home seller, or Realtor, who ignores this fact is underestimating, perhaps, the most powerful home marketing tool at their disposal.
Unlike advertisements, which must be paid for each and every time they run, a sign (once it is paid for) continues to advertise the property every single day, 24 hours per day until it is sold.
The following are industry sign design standards. These are the guidelines that professional sign makers use. Adhering to these design & installation recommendations, will insure that any money spent on a sign will be money well spent.
Keep in mind, the following specifications are meant to enable a motorist to read the sign easily while traveling at 30 mph.
18" x 24" (or 20" x 30") printed on both sides of panelYARD SIGN INSTALLATION:
"How the sign is displayed" sends as strong a message as the words printed on the sign panel itself.
To a buyer, the care & pride you demonstrate by the way you install the sign is an indication of the care & pride you take in your home.
Sloppy sign installation = sloppy house.
How to install a yard sign:
Signs installed too closely to the ground are difficult to read over the hood of a moving car. By the time the motorist is close enough to read the phone number, the sign will be below the line of sight.
Again, these guidelines are intended to improve a sign's ability to be read from a moving automobile.
By utilizing some simple enhancements, a sign can be upgraded into an extremely valuable "information kiosk".
SIGN RIDERS:In a world where technology seems to be the answer to everything, it's hard to imagine that something as simple as a sign can be so powerful ... but it is!
Dollar for dollar, a quality sign, properly installed and displayed, will attract more motivated buyers than any other marketing device.
A professionally made sign that utilizes the above specifications and enhancements is worth its weight in gold.
Don't treat the "For Sale" sign as an afterthought ... include it as an important part of your overall marketing plan right from the very beginning. Consider it an investment. The money & effort you put into a sign's design, placement and appearance will be worth it.
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